Friday, October 5, 2007

3 years ago...

yah ... 3 years ago ...

ku menemukan pendamping hidupku, tepatnya 04 september 2004. Aku mulai babak baru dalam hidupku bersama wanita tercintaku. Hingga saat ini kami telah di karunia seorang anak wowo' (begitu anakku menyebut dirinya cowok). Naufal Maula Nabil, begitulah nama yang indah buat anak kami. Semoga harapan pada nama si kecil ku terkabul.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

My First Posting

This is my first posting on my first blog...
My name is Kushartoyo, happily married to Herna Kurniarum on September 4, 2004 and also a father of cute little-boy named Naufal Maula Nabil. They're already have their own blog...

I'll try to write down my everyday here, 'cause I'm a BLOGGER now...

Please do enjoy my page...
